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rhinoxus Hansson

Antenna lateral, female.

Antenna lateral, male.

Head frontal, female.

Head frontal, male.

Vertex, female.

Thoracic dorsum, female.

Thoracic dorsum, female holotype.

Thoracic dorsum, male.

Thoracic dorsum, male paratype.

Propodeum dorsal, female.

Propodeum dorsal, male.

Gaster dorsal, female.

Originally described in

Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, Vol. 82:375.


Scutellum with a combination of raised and engraved reticulation, and with a median groove that reaches slightly more than ½ the length of scutellum; frons between toruli protruding, forming a pointed “nose”; clypeus protruding and bilobed; female scape stout, 2.5X as long as wide; propodeal callus with 6-8 setae; male antenna with all flagellomeres distinctly separated. See also nasutus.


Costa Rica.



Similar species in Lucid key

biclavatus, calamus and cobus, but rhinoxus with frons between toruli with a distinct protrusion, a “nose”.


Depository of primary type

Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio), in Costa Rica.